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But I refuse to get online and “shop” for someone. I want to see the guy in 3D first, https://reviewsforsingles.com/together2night-review/ in person before I talk to him. I don’t want to see a one dimensional “picture” first.
I am also quite comfortable being with others including a man. I’m often described as extroverted however I assure you a man does not define me nor does a female or a group of people. Stay open minded as you have the choice to join in a group or not.
Most men make their own way in life and dont want to depend on a women for financial support. Men dont care if women have a successful career. They just want someone who is loyal and supportive. Many girls in their early years want to work on their career and explore all the options available to them… Wasting their best years to find a good guy.
This is definitely a generational thing…and my generation just did not produce great relational partners. We are the transitional generation. The peanutbutter between the baby boomers and turn of the century kids.
Turned 50 in December, though never fat – had gained a few extra pounds and always been muscular. I had already quit drinking and lost 25 pounds prior to my birthday and wanted to kick off a year of recovery to myself. Now, the rest of the story – I had been living with my wife for 17 years and married since 2006. I gave up my career when she graduated college in 2007 and started job hopping up the ladder.
Being able to date younger women makes some men feel desired and still in the game. Just my opinion based on countless articles I’ve read and people I know and talk to. – Stay off the internet dating sites. You’ll meet real people in the real world if you get into the real world.
After that comes personality, but this is another subject. I would not recommend online dating to any guys 50 plus. They have employees write and post phony ads. Also they entice you with notices that someone wants to contact you.
Well, women are more emotional, not as rational as men so this also should be understood. I get hits from women older than me, even 10 years older! Your are an idiot for generalizing. Many woman after menopause want sex too as they don’t have to worry about getting pregnant and those of us that take care of ourselves are better in bed than most men our age. I am not looking for a physical relationship with 50 somethings though the ladies would like physical sex.
Two single friends of mine in my age bracket cautioned me to think long and hard about divorce because they both said that the dating and romantic life for a single, 50-something man can pretty much suck. There just seems to be a paucity of fit, stylish, and “non-taken” single women in this age bracket. To prove his point, my friend and I set up a male & fake female profile on a popular dating site. We counted 20 (!) guys for every woman. Those odds are what’s known as a sucker’s bet.
I go to Vegas alone 4 times a year and have a blast !! Someday i might hook up with a man who is like me and we can grow older together but i dont wish it or look for it life is too short wasting on the next man LOL LOL. At 53, two handsome sons, both graduating college soon enough which I raised alone for the past 5 years as their mother slowly saying goodbye in a nursing home with early onset dementia. It started when she was early 40’s – thought it was depression or behavior based.
I can’t take it any more but chicken to be alone and single at this age. I look at younger women thinking there are only so many “good” years before they turn the same way. I’m tall, fit and financially secure, but doubt many women my age want to do a 100mile bike ride with me or go skydiving !
Is this someone I’m going to travel with as I age, or be able accompany me up a mountain or even on a slow bike ride? When my doctor told me to lose weight 15 years ago, I lost 40 pounds in 3 months and kept it off, so it can be done. – If you want to meet a man, you’ll have better luck meeting them if you do things that men enjoy that you also like to do. That’s a classic method for those of either gender at any age. So I guess unless you did what you were supposed to do when you were supposed to do it when everyone is young and attracted to each other you are shit outta luck. Biology/social worth is a cruel bitch.
I’m smart, funny, down to earth, loyal, and affectionate. I don’t care what a man does for work or what car he drives. And I do not have a weight problem. I can’t figure out what more a guy could want in a woman. I can only hope to find a nice partner the old fashioned way, but so far it hasn’t been easy.