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This story is sweet, hilarious, nerdy, and has clean romance. I think it was love first sight for me with Josh. His pining was perfection and Kayla’s cluelessness was perfectly frustrating. He’s patient and so understanding, he knows she’s guarded and he doesn’t push her too hard. He’s also the perfect balance of confident/insecure.
Shay is a wife, mom, best-selling author, and an in-demand “Certified Love Transformer®” due to her 98% success rate. I think Kayla is one of my favorite characters in this series now! I love her balance between super Star Wars nerd and the illustrious Elle Woods, and her courage to take her career into her own hands, even with so many unknowns, was inspiring. I enjoyed watching her develop her dating coach business from the ground up and take on Josh as a client.
But at the end of the first chapter, Kayla is fired and she has to figure out just what she’s going to do to make money and fill up her time. She tries to find another job as a lawyer, but when that doesn’t work out, she decides to become a dating coach. I loved that Kayla was willing to just be wild and free and go with the new job. An accountant, who never quite grew out of his awkward teenage years, finds himself with a dating coach – she happens to be his high school crush as well. Thanks to his coach, he gets a pretty woman he has his sights on for some time, but realizes they are incompatible. Meanwhile, his dating lessons with his teenage crush reawaken old feelings.
Her writing from the first book to the second has improved a lot. I have loved these friends and their love stories. I’m hoping to have more time to read Kristin Canary’s series soon. Make sure to add this series to your TBR if you haven’t already. These romances are quick and fun with important messages, and of course, a super swoony couple you can’t help but love. This book made me so happy and I can’t wait to read the next book in this series.
Here same thing only its adults not teenagers. A small budget movie about a shy accountant who gets taught about dating. Thought the acting, especially from the the leads was very good and more importantly believable and the plot, whilst not original, was charming. As to the movie, there is chemistry between the couple and a steady building toward a true romance and, one has to believe, a lifelong bonding of souls. This is definitely a Hallmark made for TV film, so don’t expect too much other than a little bit of comfort food which is what Mrs. Shullivan and I enjoyed and needed during the Corona Virus 19 pandemic lockdown. It is warm, loving, and with a happy ending for Harold and Annie.
But come to think of it, did Josh actually mention why he was taking these classes and who he wanted to make an impression on? ???????? ??? ?????? ????? is a clean romance, nothing too steamy but there is still lots of passion and some kissing. For such a short book, it felt very complete. I really enjoyed it, despite feeling personally attacked by the author.
But when she asked her friends whether they thought it was worth paying thousands of dollars for a dating coach, all of them said no. Plus, she knew that “on the internet, you can find anything.” If you want to know how to, say, attract more men on a dating site, you can simply Google it. Nobile said Christopher did a great job of choosing flattering pictures. She suggested replacing his opening picture to better convey his goal of finding a relationship. Is extremely proud of her ten-year-long story of creating a matchmaking agency.
Katz said he had a client who dated a man for two months before realizing, “This guy isn’t as great as I thought he was.” So she dumped him, took a weeklong hiatus from online dating, and then got back to it. “Is she a failure or is she a success?” Katz said. “I say she’s a success. She found a boyfriend; she attracted a guy; discovered it wasn’t the right guy; had the courage to get rid of him and start all over. That is a huge success in my book.” For clients who have high-octane careers, that can be difficult — even if they elected to sign up for coaching in the first place. “I had a job that was very stressful and very demanding,” Judith said, “and I had to be sure that I was 100% committed to not only giving my all to work but also to my personal life.”
I liked the help from her friends with some thoughtful insight. This story did feel to me had some more physical description in regards to their hot bodies. This is a definite your mileage may vary opinion. The h does have a date with a character that felt a bit cliché of rich shallow guy. However, I’d say that’s a small part of the story. The author is good at writing and holding the reader’s attention.
I have the author 2 books for me to get into it, and there are just other books out there is rather read. I see so much potential in these stories, but they feel like they are only explored so superficially that I have not been able to care. I’m OK with predictability in my rom-coms, but that doesn’t mean they have to be boring. I love that Kayla let’s her walls down with Josh. While she’s had lots of struggles in her life, Josh has had his fair share too.
So far I have really been loving this series. I also enjoy getting to see more glimpses of the other girls as well. I am already so stoked for Eric and Shelby’s story because I do enjoy a good friends to lovers romance. But the epilogue in this one has me sooooo intrigued for Lauren’s story. It’s on my holiday TBR and I’m sure it’ll be one of the first ones I dive into. Kristin is a thirty-something wife and boy mom who functions best on peach tea and cookie dough ice cream.
The characters deal with issues such as the effects of parental abandonment, having their hearts broken in past relationships and opening up their hearts to forgiveness and new possibilities. how to join Snack App The flow of the book and the way the plot developed through out felt natural, not rushed. I loved their fun banter, their shared Star Wars obsession and the many LOL moments.